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Two hunters on a deer drive.
bird dog and hunter
The Central Arctic Management Area - a BLM Wilderness Study Area - sits between NPRA and Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. This little known 320,000 acre area is starkly beautiful and made up of rolling tundra and snow covered peaks.
椽和他的黑人实验室韦斯在新的的河流t Virginia.
An attempt to ban bear hunting in California was quickly struck down thanks to push back from dedicated hunters.
cuts of venison
A New Mexican woman with dark hair and turquoise earrings crosses her arms and looks at the camera in an open field.
A pod of fish with red backs and green fins splashing in shallow running water.
An Alaskan brown bear stands on his hind legs in an open grassy field near a forest.
William Perry Pendley, Bureau of Land Management.